Title: Germany's Dependence on Imported Fossil Energies: Unveiling the Numbers

Title: Germany's Dependence on Imported Fossil Energies: Unveiling the Numbers

Following the attack on Ukraine, Germany ceased importing Russian gas. However, the overall import of fossil fuels saw only a minor decrease, while prices soared. According to a report by the Öko-Institut, commissioned by Green MEP Michael Bloss, Germany spent approximately 80.7 billion euros on coal, oil, and gas imports in 2023, marking an increase of over 20% compared to 2021.

RND reveals that while the cost of imports has escalated, the actual energy intake by Germany has dwindled. The Öko-Institut asserts that total energy imports into Germany display a notable downward trend. The reduction is primarily driven by a substantial decrease in gas imports (roughly 50%) and a significant drop in hard coal imports. Despite this decline, EU nations collectively spent a staggering 315.8 billion euros on importing fossil fuels worldwide in 2023, a 45% increase compared to 2021.

Bloss, expressed his concerns to RND, stating, "Imports of coal, oil, and gas represent a net loss for society annually, with Germany losing around 80 billion euros to fossil firms yearly." He advocated for expedited disengagement from fossil fuel dependence and reallocating these funds for domestic renewable energy and electric vehicles, making them more affordable. The Germany ticket or renewables expansion could be financed with these savings, Bloss suggested.

Bloss also regarded the astronomical sums spent on fossil fuels as disorienting: "315.8 billion euros annually being invested into the import of coal, oil, and gas instead of in our domestic economy. Resources essential for modernizing the European power system or infrastructure are absent." He stressed that this colossal sum exceeded the EU budget and nearly 40% of the target annual investment Mario Draghi outlined for driving digital and green transformation across Europe and fortifying its defense capabilities.

Despite the decrease in gas and coal imports, Germany still relies heavily on energy supply from fossil fuels, spending approximately 80.7 billion euros on imports in 2023. Bloss argues that this money could be better spent on promoting renewable energy and electric vehicles, as the high costs of fossil fuel imports represent a net loss for society.

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