Title: Unraveling the "Ethically Gray" Cinematic Universe of Oscar-nominated 'Santosh'
British-Indian filmmaker Sandhya Suri steps into the spotlight with her provocative feature film debut, the Oscar-hopeful Hindi drama "Santosh". Recognized by Sundance's Screenwriters' and Directors' Labs in 2016, the film has made waves, premiering at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival and being shortlisted for the Academy Awards' nominations in 2025.
Santosh's UK Oscar Nomination Journey
Suri, who penning and directed the film, discusses its intricate world during an exclusive interview. The film's cinematic touchstones have earned it a coveted spot in second-round voting for the Oscars 2025. On the prospect of a nomination, Suri remains pragmatic while remaining proud of her achievement:
"I'm grateful for the journey my film has taken so far, and I'm thrilled to see how audiences worldwide have connected with its story. If we're lucky enough to be nominated for the Oscars, it would definitely be the cherry on top of this unusual and challenging experience. But regardless of the outcome, I'm proud that we've been able to create a compelling and thought-provoking film."
Why A Feature Film and Not a Documentary?
Known for her documentary work, some might question why Suri chose to depict the struggles of societal inequities in a fictional format rather than a documentary. Her reasoning behind the decision is simple:
"I wanted to approach this complex, sensitive topic from a different angle, and making a fictional film allowed me to strike a delicate balance between examining the harsh realities of the caste system and showcasing a compelling, emotional story. Plus, the idea of casting a non-actor to play the character of Santosh felt like the most genuine approach, enabling us to connect with the audience emotionally."
The Making of Santosh: Casting and Creativity
The film's breakout star, Shahana Goswami, masterfully portrays the central character of Santosh, leaving audiences mesmerized by her depth and dedication. Following talented yet unexpected casting choices and thoughtful character development, Suri shares her initial casting visions:
"Initially, I was set on casting a non-actor for the role of Santosh, as I envisioned her as someone from the streets, raw and unfiltered. However, when it came time to make the final casting decision, I realized that burdening an inexperienced actor with the film's demanding 76-plus speaking parts might have been too much. With the help of Mukesh Chhabra's casting team, we ultimately found Shahana Goswami, an actress who not only captured Santosh's essence but also embodied the strength and resilience required to bring this powerful character to life."
The Shoot and Setting: Uttar Pradesh
The aspiring cop's journey unfolds amidst the chaotic yet captivating Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Santosh's summertime shoot, primarily featuring Indian crewmembers, reportedly lasted an exhausting 44 days. As the sun beat down, Suri relentlessly pushed her cast and crew to deliver an unforgettable cinematic experience, immersing viewers in the film's gritty, uncompromising realism.
Santosh's Stellar Cast
Joining Shahana Goswami and Sunita Rajwar in the film is an ensemble of actors hailing from varying backgrounds and experiences. Their collective backgrounds, as well as their diverse talents, collectively enrich the film's narrative, making each character more nuanced and engrossing.
Financing: Giving Women a Voice
As a woman filmmaker pursuing her first feature film, Suri was grateful for the financial support from her patrons, acknowledging the faith they placed in her vision to breathe life into her compelling story.
Santosh's Theatrical Release and Future
The momentous film will debut theatrically in the UK, Los Angeles, and India on January 10. Reflecting on her aspirations for the film's release, Suri hopes for its resonance with both Western and Indian audiences and a remarkable box office success:
"Making a film that speaks to a global audience has been my ultimate goal. I'm grateful for the warm reception Santosh has received so far and cannot wait to see its impact in the near future."
Sandhya Suri: A Talented and Determined Filmmaker
From her background in mathematics to her successful transition into filmmaking, Sandhya Suri embodies the spirit of resilience and dedication. Her work as a documentary filmmaker and her first feature film, Santosh, have secured her a prominent place in Indian cinema. As she continues to make waves with her innovative storytelling and unflinching portrayal of societal issues, fans and critics alike eagerly await her next masterpiece.
After achieving recognition at Sundance's Screenwriters' and Directors' Labs, 'Santosh' has been shortlisted for the Academy Awards' nominations in 2025, making it an Oscar-hopeful film. During an interview, director Sandhya Suri expresses her gratitude for the film's journey and remains hopeful about a potential nomination for the Oscars.
Suri's decision to depict societal inequities in a fictional format, rather than a documentary, is based on her desire to strike a balance between delving into the harsh realities of the caste system while maintaining a compelling, emotional story.
The film's breakout star, Shahana Goswami, masterfully portrays the central character of Santosh, capturing the raw essence of the character and embodying her strength and resilience. Suri initially envisioned a non-actor for the role, but with the help of Mukesh Chhabra's casting team, they found Goswami to be the perfect fit for this powerful character.